Chapter 4, 27 April 1951


Chapter 4, 27 April 1951


Nadia Boulanger


Igor Stravinsky


27 April 1951


Bibliothèque Nationale De Paris



Extracted Text

Stravinsky to Boulanger
1260 North Wetherly Drive
Hollywood 46 California
Mademoiselle Nadia Boulanger
36 rue Ballu
Paris—9th (France)
April 27, 1951
My dear Nadia,
A thousand thanks for your very kind letter of April 11 (Cap d'Antibes).
I signed a contract with the Biennale to conduct the premiere of The Rake's Progress at the
Venice Festival on September 10. But it seems that my editor [at] Boosey & Hawkes was more
or less further along with things at la Scala and, to avoid trouble, (which, personally, shouldn't
concern me) he is looking to find a compromise of a nature that satisfies the Biennale as much as
la Scala and myself. [A compromise] of the sort that would allow for la Scala to participate in the
Festival, because as far as I’m concerned I do not want to modify the time of my arrival in Italy,
which must be in Venice, rather than Milan.
I have indeed heard murmurs of Markevitch’s success with Le Sacre but I did not know that he
had done Mavra and Perséphone. I knew that he had conducted Orphée at the Venice Biennial in
1949, but I did not know that he had given concert performances of it.
The opera is finished except for the short Prelude that I am in the process of composing; there
will not be an overture. I still have lots of work because Boosey & Hawkes are printing the
piano/vocal score, and I am constantly receiving proofs from Germany to correct.
I am really counting on us seeing one another in Venice . . . But what madness awaits us there!!!
Théodore's family will come from Switzerland with Kitty, and Milène and André (who will be in
Nice this summer) will also pop by.
Write me always dear Nadia, telling me a bit more about yourself. All my love, unfortunately, as
always, with great haste.
I Str.
[P.S.] Where and when did you give the lectures (on my music) that you speak of? And what has
become of Gunsbourg’s beautiful project in Monte-Carlo? There’s been no word.
Stravinsky à Boulanger
1260 North Wetherly Drive
Hollywood 46 California
Mademoiselle Nadia Boulanger
36 rue Ballu
Paris—9eme (France)
27 avril 1951
Chere Nadia,
Merci mille fois de votre si bonne lettre du 11 avril (Cap d’Antibes).
J’ai signé un contrat avec la Biennale pour diriger la premiere du Rake’s Progress au Festival de
Venise le 10 Septembre. Mais il semble que mon editeur Boosey & Hawkes s’etait plus ou moins
avancé vis-à-vis de la Scala et, pour s’eviter des ennuis, (qui, personnellement, ne devraient pas
me toucher) il cherche a trouver un compromis de nature a donner satisfaction tant a la Biennale
qu’a la Scala et a moi-meme. En sorte qu’il est possible que la Scala participe au Festival car en
ce qui me concerne je ne veux pas modifier l’epoque de ma venue en Italie, ce qui implique
forcement Venise et non Milan.
J’ai en effet entendu parler du succes de Markevitch avec Le Sacre mais j’ignorais qu’il eut fait
Mavra et Persephone. Je savais qu’il avait dirige Orphee a la Biennale de Venise en 1949 mais
je ne savais pas qu’il en avait donne des executions de concert.
L’opera est termine sauf le court Prelude que je suis en train de composer ; il n’y aura pas
d’ouverture. J’ai encore beaucoup de travail car Boosey & Hawkes grave le piano-chant et je
recois sans cesse des epreuves a corriger d’Allemagne.
Je compte bien que nous nous verrons a Venise… Mais quelle agitation nous attend la-bas!!!Les
Theodore[s] y viendront de Suisse avec Kitty, et Milene et Andre (qui seront a Nice cet ete) y
feront aussi un saut.
Ecrivez-moi toujours chere Nadia, en me parlant un peu plus de vous-même. Je vous embrasse,
comme toujours malheureusement en toute hate.
I Str.
[P.-S.] Où avez-vous fait des conférences (sur ma musique) dont vous parlez et quand ? Et
qu’est-ce qui est devenu le beau projet de Gunsburg à Monte-Carlo ? On entend plus parler.



Igor Stravinsky , “Chapter 4, 27 April 1951,” Digital Exhibits, accessed February 19, 2025,

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