The allegorical title page of Anatomia Humani Corporis displays a scene with several individuals performing various tasks in a classical landscape. In the foreground, Father time is shown holding an hourglass while his scythe lies on the ground on the left. On the right of the foreground, three putti are depicted; one hold a piece of parchment, presumably with an anatomical diagram on it in front of the other two, one of which holds a skull, and the other points to a forearm which is spread across a small table. Behind them is the title of the atlas, which reads "Godefridi Bidloo Medicinae Doctoris et Chirurgi Anatomia Humani Corporis Centum et quinque tabulis Illustrata." This is engraved upon a shield resting against a platform on which the allegory of Medicine sits, identified by the large volume that she rests against and the knife like tool she holds in her hand. Beside her, a young boy stands, his face shrouded by drapery, and the skin of his arm removed to display the inner musculature. Flying above and behind the allegory of Medicine is Gloria, identified by her wings and two horns. Finally, in the background, flanked by distinctly Baroque architecture, two skeletons converse with each other,
Gerard de Lairesse (artist), Peter and Philip van Gunst (engravers)
Vassar College Library
Govard Bidloo
Gerard de Lairesse
Peter van Gunst
Phillip van Gunst
Public Access (Vassar College Library)
Ontleding des Meschelyken Lichaams
Medical Text
Seventeenth century Dutch medical practice
Date Created
Is Part Of
Anatomia Humani Corporis
62.5 x 36 cm
Copperplate engraving on paper
Bibliographic Citation
Govard Bidloo, Anatomia Humani Corporis. Amsterdam, for the widow of Joannes van Someren, the heirs of Joannes van Dyk, Henry Boom and widow of Theodore Boom, 1685.
Gerard de Lairesse (artist), Peter and Philip van Gunst (engravers), “Anatomia Humani Corporis, Allegorical Title Page,” Digital Exhibits, accessed March 9, 2025,
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