Vestiarium Scoticum: From the Manuscript formerly in the library of the Scots College at Douay; with an Introduction and Notes By John Sobieski Stuart


Vestiarium Scoticum: From the Manuscript formerly in the library of the Scots College at Douay; with an Introduction and Notes By John Sobieski Stuart


Leslie Family


John Sobieski Stuart


Edinburgh: W. Tait.




University of Michigan


In the public domain



Extracted Text

WESTIARIUM SCOTICUM: FROM THE MANUSCRIPT FORMERLY IN THE LIBRARY OF THE SCOTS COLLEGE AT D0UAY. AN INTRODUCTION AND NOTES, BY JOHN SOBIESKI STUART. MA ’S FUATHLEAT AM BREACAN, THUGAD BHIODAG. A ED INBURGH WILLIAM TAIT, 107, : PRINCE'S STREET. MDCCCXLII. ; - →" ---- -- - ------- *** * ------->" -----> * * -* * ** VESTIARIUM - - - - *-* SCOTICUM. 91 Cümpne heth twa wyd stryppis of greine vpon ane scarlatt fyeld, and withovt thir sayd stryppis twa lesser of y" samen, and throuch y” twa greitter stryppys ane spraing quhite, and vpon y" myddest of y" redd sett ane sprang blak. $tynttler heth ane blew sett and ane grene, and vpon y" blew sett be lystis of blak, and vpon y' ynnerward edge of y" ylk ane spraing quhite, and yn y mydst of y" sett ane litel strype red, and vpon the grene sette twa sprangis reddyn y myddest. #innhärr ane sett mynglit, and ane set scarlatt, q'off y" min glit hath twa grosse panis gren, and bey" vttemaist syd y off ane lyst blak joynit y'to, and throuch y” myddest of y" reid set twa stryppis blak. 3Lcelpe hath fovr stryppis vpon ane reidd fyld, of y" quhilk stryppis y' ynnermaist be blak, and y" tua vtterward blew, and throuch y” ylk blak ane spraing Zello, and throuch y" scarlat ane spraing blak. 31 attiere heth ane sette blew and ane sett grene, and y” bleu settis be broken of tua stryppys, and be y" twa sydis y'off vtter ward ane lyst blak nae joynit, and throuch y" myddest of y" grein sett ane spraing scarlatt. Connyngham, he hath ane set blak and ane sett redd, and vpon y' sprang quhite. blak set twa sprangis reid, and vpon y" redd sett ane quhit, and vpon y” ylk syd ane blew assondyr frae y" 2A




John Sobieski Stuart, “Vestiarium Scoticum: From the Manuscript formerly in the library of the Scots College at Douay; with an Introduction and Notes By John Sobieski Stuart,” Digital Exhibits, accessed March 14, 2025,

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