Chapter 3, 3 December 1942


Chapter 3, 3 December 1942


Nadia Boulanger


Igor Stravinsky


3 December 1942


Bibliothque Nationale De Paris



Extracted Text

Stravinsky to Boulanger
1260 Wetherly Drive
Hollywood, California
Mademoiselle Nadia Boulanger
122 Bay State Road
Boston, Mass
Dec. 3, 1942
Just this signature that you asked of me, dear Nadia, and which I give to Haïeff with joy.
But are you sure that I am a member of Lili Boulanger’s Memorial Fund [sic]? I most
wholeheartedly don't object, but since when?
Forgive me for not having written you more—impossible right now, and I send you all my
faithful affection.
I Str.
Stravinsky à Boulanger
1260 Wetherly Drive
Hollywood, California
Mademoiselle Nadia Boulanger
122 Bay state road
Boston, Mass
3 dec. [sic] 1942
Juste cette signature que vous me demandez, chère Nadia, et que je donne pour Haïeff avec joie.
Mais êtes-vous sur [sic] que je suis membre of the Lili Boulanger’s Memorial Fund ? Je veux
bien et de [bon] cœur, mais depuis quand ?
Pardonnez-moi de ne pas vous écrire plus longuement—impossible en ce moment et recevez
toute mon affection fidèle.
I Str.



Igor Stravinsky, “Chapter 3, 3 December 1942,” Digital Exhibits, accessed March 8, 2025,

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