Boulanger to Stravinsky
Featherhill Ranch
Santa Barbara
For March 3, 1944
Dear Friend,
May I place some flowers in front of Catherine’s portrait? When I received here the telegram
announcing that she had finished suffering, I knew that I would never console myself at having
lost her—or at least [at having] to finish the voyage without her.
In her memory, wholeheartedly fond wishes to you,
Boulanger à Stravinsky
Featherhill Ranch
Santa Barbara
Pour le 3 mars 1944
Cher Ami,
Voulez-vous me permettre de déposer ces fleurs devant le portrait de Catherine—quand j’ai reçu,
ici, le cable [sic] m’annonçant qu’elle avait fini de souffrir, j’ai su que je ne me consolerais
jamais de l’avoir perdue—ou du moins de finir le voyage sans elle.
Dans son cher souvenir, je vous embrasse de tout mon cœur
Nadia Boulanger , “Chapter 3, 3 March 1944,” Digital Exhibits, accessed January 30, 2025,
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