Chapter 3, 16 July 1944


Chapter 3, 16 July 1944


Nadia Boulanger


Igor Stravinsky


16 July 1944


Bibliothque Nationale De Paris



Extracted Text

Stravinsky to Boulanger
July 16, 1944
My dear,
Read this—Mr. Tangeman sent me these two articles with this remark: “Professor Guido
Stempel is a retired professor of philology without musical training.[”] The other article is from
the “student paper” in which the “musical training” does not appear to me to be clear.
What is the point of making this effort to receive such a reaction?
When will I see you?
Personally, I cannot yet travel.
Love Kisses,
I. Str.
Stravinsky à Boulanger
16 juillet 1944
Lisez ça—Mr. Tangeman m’envoi [sic] ces deux articles avec cette Remarque [sic]: “Professor
Guido Stempel is a retired professor of philology without musical training. The other article is
from the student paper” dont la “musical training” ne me parait [sic] pas evident.
Cela valait la peine de faire cet effort, pour recevoir une pareille réaction.
Quand vous verrai-je?
Moi, je ne puis encore bouger.
Love Kisses
I. Str.



Igor Stravinsky, “Chapter 3, 16 July 1944,” Digital Exhibits, accessed March 9, 2025,

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