Boulanger to Stravinsky
Featherhill Ranch
Santa Barbara, California
Nov. 21, 1944
Thank you—the things to say about these pages! Dear Igor—
But we will be together soon. Have received [word] from Haïeff, everything is his fault, and not
his fault. (Winter’s fault, primarily). He has been sick, at the mercy of terrible difficulties. I will
bring you his letter. Forgive him. He needs it.
With all my heart,
Nadia B.
Boulanger à Stravinsky
Featherhill Ranch
Santa Barbara, California
21 nov. 1944
Merci—que de choses à dire à propos de cette feuille ! Cher Igor—
Mais nous nous verrons bientôt. Ai reçu de Haïeff—tout est de sa faute—et pas de sa faute. (De
la faute de Winter d’abord). Il a été malade, en proie à de lourdes difficultés. Vous apporterez sa
lettre, Pardonnez-lui—il le faut.
Vous embrasse tous deux, de tout cœur.
Nadia B.
Nadia Boulanger , “Chapter 3, 21 November 1944,” Digital Exhibits, accessed March 9, 2025,
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