Stravinsky to Boulanger
1260 N. Wetherly Dr.
Hollywood, Cal.
Miss Nadia Boulanger
122 Bay State Road
Boston, Mass.
Los Angeles
Dec. 19, 1945
Nadia dear,
I wonder if it’s [worth] the trouble of writing to us. When are you leaving? I wait for even the
slightest word from you.
How good you are to have thought of me on the day of my grief. Thank you.
Always yours,
I. Str
[P.S.] Kyriena told me about the death of her father. Ziloti died at age 83. The poor old man had
a very weak heart after successive cases of pneumonia.
Milène and André received your precious presents from Canada. They suppose it’s your doing
(the name of the exporter as well of the giver were missing) and both want to write with their
gratitude and enthusiasm. Our plan is to have them come here. I think that you approve of that
and if so—please exert all your influence when you are down there.
Perhaps ask our dear friend Winifred to take care of the reservations at the Hotel Hemenway in
Boston for the week of my concerts (February 18 to 24—days of our departure to and from
Is it as difficult as in N.Y.?
Stravinsky à Boulanger
1260 N. Wetherly Dr.
Hollywood, Cal.
Miss Nadia Boulanger
122 Bay State Road
Boston, Mass.
Los Angeles
19 dec. [sic] 1945
Nadia chère,
Je me demande si c’est la peine de nous écrire. A quand le depart [sic]? J’attends ne serait-ce
qu’un mot de vous.
Que vous êtes bonne d’avoir pensé à moi le jour de mon deuil. Merci
Toujours à vous
I. Str.
[P.-S.] Kyriena m’announcé [sic] la mort de son père. Ziloti mort 83 ans. Le pauvre vieil homme
avait un cœur bien affaibli après des pneumonies successives.
Milène et André ont bien reçu vos précieux cadeaux canadiens, ils supposent que c’est de votre
part (le nom de l’exportateur en plutôt du 1o
donateur manquait) et veut [sic] tous ecrire [sic]
leurs reconnaissances et enthousiasme. Nous avons le projet de les faire venir ici. Je pense que
vous l’approuvez et si oui—please appuisez-vous [sic] de toutes vos forces quand vous serez la-
bas [sic].
Peut-être demander notre chère ami [sic] Winifred de s’occuper des reservations [sic] à l’hotel
[sic] Hemmenway [sic] à Boston pour la semaine de mes concerts (du 18 au 24 février—jours de
notre depart [sic] à Havana)?
Est-ce aussi difficile qu’à N.Y.?
Igor Stravinsky, “Chapter 3, 19 December 1945,” Digital Exhibits, accessed March 10, 2025,
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