Théodore Strawinsky to Boulanger
Musée de l’Athénée
Very dear Friend,
These quick words on the eve of my exhibition. Thank you, thank you for your letter, received in
Hollywood where I finally had the opportunity to see my father privately. He is marvelous, as
always, but alas, much less alert.
Théodore Strawinsky
[P.S.] Denise and I send you our heartfelt fondness.
* * *
Théodore Strawinsky à Boulanger
Musée de l’Athénée
Chère grande Amie,
Ces mots en hâte à la veille de mon exposition. Merci, merci de votre lettre reçue à
Hollywood où j’ai eu enfin le bonheur de voir mon père dans l’intimité. Toujours
merveilleux, mais hélas, tellement moins alerte.
Théodore Strawinsky
[P.-S.] Denise et moi vous disons notre profond attachement.
Théodore Stravinsky, Théodore Strawinsky , “Chapter 6, Undated,” Digital Exhibits, accessed February 19, 2025,
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