Stravinsky to Boulanger
Hotel Hassler-Roma
Trinita Dei Monti
Miss Nadia Boulanger
36 rue Ballu
Paris 9th
March 29, 1955
Dearest Nadia,
Here we are in Rome, with me in bed with a bad cold.
Would you be an angel and call for a bottle of Balsamorhinol,* which we can't find here?
Thank you for your telegram.
I will be waiting for you on the 2nd.
*French nose drops
Stravinsky à Boulanger
Hotel Hassler-Roma
Trinita Dei Monti
Miss Nadia Boulanger
36 rue Ballu
Paris 9ème
29 mars 1955
Dearest Nadia,
Nous voila à Rome, moi au lit avec un gris rhume (ruhme ?).
Vous serez un ange de m’appeler un flacon de Balsamorhinol * qu’on ne trouve pas ici.
Merci pour votre bon telegramme [sic].
Je vous attend le 2
*French nose drops
Igor Stravinsky , “Chapter 5, 29 March 1955,” Digital Exhibits, accessed March 13, 2025,
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