Chapter 3, 21 March 1945


Chapter 3, 21 March 1945


Igor Stravinsky


Nadia Boulanger


21 March 1945


Paul Sacher Stiftung



Extracted Text

Boulanger to Stravinsky
Featherhill Ranch
Santa Barbara, California
March 21, 1945
Dear Friend,
Would you please sign this and send it back to me straight away? I trust that you will agree.
1) Arthur is the one who gave the sum so that Couture can work here.
2) This is the bursary awarded last year (you had already signed)
3) Bursary to be shared between these two young Poles with real talent (they have written
good quartets, symphonies) [and] are dying of hunger in France
4) Preger? I did not recommend him to you.
I have received many letters from France. It is a tragic situation. Annette works at the
Conservatoire—thirty and more than thirty at my place. hey are all hungry, and [have] nothing to
wear, money is less useful than supplies. I am deeply unhappy, but this is fair, punishment will
come . . . we don’t know when, but it surely will. Forgiven, yes, God forgives. I believe it very
strongly, but if He wasn’t [actually] punishing us, it [is] enough to have given us a conscience!
I am thinking of you and love you, both of you,
Fondly and with love to you both,
Boulanger à Stravinsky
Featherhill Ranch
Santa Barbara, California
21 mars 1945
Cher Ami,
Voulez-vous bien signer ceci et me le renvoyer d’urgence. Je crois que vous serez d’accord.
1. C’est Arth. qui a donné la somme pour que Couture puisse travailler ici.
2. C’est la bourse attribuée l’an dernier (vous aviez déjà signé)
3. Bourse à partager entre ces deux jeunes Polonais de vrai talent (ont écrit de bons quatuors,
symphonies) sont mourant[s] de faim de France
4. Preger? je n’ai pas à vous le recommander.
Reçu pas mal de lettres de France. C’est une situation tragique. Annette travaille au
Conservatoire—30, chez moi + 30. Ils ont tous faim, et rien à se mettre, l’argent, moins utile que
les provisions. Je suis bien malheureuse, mais c’est juste, comme la punition vient, quand…on ne
sait pas, mais sûrement. Pardonné, oui, Dieu pardonne. Je le crois si fermement, mais s’Il ne
nous punissait pas, d’avoir mis en nous, la conscience, cela était assez!
Je vous embrasse et vous aime, vous deux,
Si profondément



Nadia Boulanger , “Chapter 3, 21 March 1945,” Digital Exhibits, accessed January 22, 2025,

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