Chapter 6, 30 July 1964


Chapter 6, 30 July 1964


Nadia Boulanger


Igor Stravinsky


30 July 1964


Bibliothèque nationale



Extracted Text

Stravinsky to Boulanger
1260 North Wetherly Drive
Hollywood 69, California
Miss N. Boulanger
36 rue Ballu, Paris 9th
July 30, 1964
My very dear Nadia,
Thank you for your affectionate letter—don't worry about me: I am doing very well and I think
Nabokov misinformed you: a month ago in London I had an ear infection and the doctors
advised me not to fly too often, which is why I was thinking of canceling my concerts in Israel
and in Berlin (end of August-September). But having learned that Israel was basing its entire
season on my appearances and that they were already sold out (charity [events for] clinics,
hospitals) I decided to fly there, but not to Berlin. A desolate Nabokov telephoned me from Paris
asking me to come to Berlin as well. With great regret, I refused, not wanting to risk this flight as
well. That's all. Certainly hundreds of letters and telegrams have arrived from everywhere
wishing me a swift recovery and it is certainly more than doubtful that the newspapers are
correcting these false declarations since these latest ones don’t constitute the sensation that they
are looking for [so as] to sell [issues]. After Israel (a concert in Jerusalem and two in Caesarea)
two days in Rome (end of August) two days in New York and then Hollywood where we have
bought and are renovating, furnishing, and organizing the late Catherine d’Erlanger’s house for
us to live in. We will put Bob Craft in the old house (who is conducting Lulu in Santa Fe these
days and will meet up with us in New York to fly to Israel).
Thank you again for having written to me—am very touched.
I Str.
* * *
Stravinsky à Boulanger
1260 North Wetherly Drive
Hollywood 69, California
Miss N. Boulanger
36 rue Ballu, Paris 9
30 juillet 1964
Nadia, tres chere,
Merci de affectionate [sic] lettre—n’y ayez aucune crainte a mon sujet : je vais tres bien
et je pense que Nabokov vous avait mal renseigne : il y a un mois a Londres j’avais une
infection a l’oreil [sic] et les docteurs m’ont conseille de ne pas voler trop souvent, c’est
pourquoi je pensais bien faire de renoncer a mes concerts d’Israel et de Berlin (fin Aout
Septembre). Mais ayant appris que Israel fondait toute sa saison sur mes apparitions et
qu’on avait déjà tout vendu (bienfaisance—cliniques, hopiteaux[sic]) j’ai decide d’y
voler, mais pas a Berlin. Nabokov desole me telephonne de Paris me suppliant de venir a
Berlin aussi. Avec beaucoup de regret j’ai refuse ne voulant pas risquer avec ce vol en
plus. C’est tout. Certainement des centaines de lettres et telegrammes de partout me
souhaitant promt retablissement et certainement plus que douteux que les journeaux
corrigent ces fausses declarations puisque ces dernieres ne constituent pas une sensation
qu’il[s] cherchent a vendre. D’Israel (un concert a Jerusalem et deux a Cesaria) deux
jours a Rome (fin aout) deux jours a New York et puis Hollywood ou nous avons achete
la maison de la feue Catherine d’Erlanger qu’on reconstruit, meuble et arrange pour y
habiter. Dans la vieil [sic] maison on placera Bob Craft (qui dirige ces jours-ci Lulu a
Santa Fe et qui nous rejoindra a New York pour voler en Israel).
Encore merci de m’avoir ecrit—suis tres touche.
I Str.



Igor Stravinsky , “Chapter 6, 30 July 1964,” Digital Exhibits, accessed March 9, 2025,

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