Boulanger to Théodore Strawinsky
May 11, 1971
Dear Théodore,
A letter from Figaro deeply disappointed me, “The article is too long,” they say. I asked them to
send it back to me, and as soon as I return to Paris, I will take care of its publication. I believe the
performance of the Mass will work itself out one of these days, it has to, but . . . I want to hope.
I never leave you!
* * *
Boulanger à Théodore Strawinsky
11 mai 1971
Cher Théodore,
Une lettre de Figaro m’a vivement désappointée « l’article est trop long » disent-ils, je
leur ai demandé de me le renvoyer, et dès mon retour à Paris, m’occuperai de sa
publication. Je crois que l’exécution de la Messe va se décider ces jours-ci, il faut mais…
je veux espérer.
Ne vous quitte pas !
Nadia Boulanger , “Chapter 6, 11 May 1971,” Digital Exhibits, accessed March 9, 2025,
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