Stravinsky to Boulanger
1260 N. Wetherly Dr.
Hollywood, H6, Calif
Miss Nadia Boulanger
c/o Mrs. Shortell
339 Berry Ave
Chicago, Ill
June 15, 1945
My dear
Nothing to tell you, save that all I do is think of you and of your absence which I believe will be
unbearable to me.
Send news, please. You write so elegantly.
I Str.
Stravinsky à Boulanger
1260 N. Wetherly Dr.
Hollywood, H6, Calif
Miss Nadia Boulanger
c/o Mrs. Shortell
339 Berry Ave
Chicago, Ill
15 juin 1945
Très chère
Rien à vous dire, sauf que je ne fais que penser à vous et à votre absence qui, je le croies [sic] me
sera insaportable [sic].
Des nouvelles, je vous supplie, vous qui écrivez si facilement.
I Str.
Igor Stravinsky, “Chapter 3, 15 June 1945,” Digital Exhibits, accessed March 7, 2025,
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