Boulanger to Igor and Vera Stravinsky
Featherhill Ranch
Santa Barbara, California
From 20–26 c/o Baroness R. Boël
1675, 31st Street
Washington, DC
Thereafter: 122 Bay State road, Boston 15 Mass.
June 17, 1945
It is not easy to leave you, dear Igor, darling Vera, and I do not know what to say, because . . . I
do not want to whine.
Once again the page turns. I am reunited with very dear Friends here, their welcome touches me,
but . . . I will not see you again for a long time, and that disappointment occupies all my
Thank you for everything, you do not know the good that your affection does me.
For both of you, very fondly,
Nadia B
Boulanger à Stravinsky
Featherhill Ranch
Santa Barbara, California
Du 20 au 26 c/o Baroness R. Boël
1675, 31st Street
Washington, DC
Après 122 Bay State road, Boston 15 Mass.
17 juin 1945
Pas facile de vous quitter, Cher Igor, Chère Véra, et je ne sais que vous dire, car…je n’ai envie
que de me lamenter.
Encore une page tournée. Je retrouve ici de bien chers Amis, leur accueil me touche, mais…Je ne
vous verrai plus, pour longtemps, et ce chagrin domine toutes mes pensées.
Merci de tout, vous ne savez pas le bien que me fait votre affection.
A tout, bien tendrement,
Nadia B
Nadia Boulanger , “Chapter 3, 17 June 1945,” Digital Exhibits, accessed March 9, 2025,
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