Stravinsky to Boulanger
1260 North Wetherly Drive
Hollywood 46, California
December 13, 1954
My dear, dear Nadia,
Here is a response to your letter of December 7.
1) Tell Felix Passerone that it is not a question of my permission (I give it to him with pleasure)
but that of Boosey & Hawkes’s (Dr. E. Roth in London) which causes me to advise him against
keeping the anonymity of the source (because he writes to me: . . . “these ‘rhythms’ are taken
from the repertoire without indication of the source”). It would be more prudent to guarantee an
OK from B&H themselves.
2) Despite your hesitations, I hope all the same to see you in Rome or elsewhere in Europe.
I. Str.
Stravinsky à Boulanger
1260 North Wetherly Drive
Hollywood 46, California
Dec. 13/[19]54
Chere, chere Nadia,
Voici la reponse a votre lettre du 7 [dec].
1) Dites a Felix Passerone qu’il ne s’agit pas de mon accord (je lui le donne avec plaisir) mais de
celui de Boosey & Hawkes (Dr. E. Roth a Londres) ce qui m’amene a lui deconseiller de garder
l’anonymat de la source (car il m’ecrit :… « ces « rithmes » sont tires du repertoire sans
indication de la source »). Il serait plus prudent de se garantir un OK de B&H.
2) Malgre vos hesitations j’ai quand meme l’espoir de vous voir a Rome ou ailleurs en Europe.
I. Str.
Igor Stravinsky , “Chapter 5, 13 December 1954,” Digital Exhibits, accessed February 23, 2025,
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