About the Curator


My name is Aro Bhattacharjee and I am a first-year Biomedical Science student at the University of Guelph. Some of my interests include sports, the sciences, and learning new things. One of the reasons this postcard appealed to me is due to its insight on infrastructure. I knew there would be a tremendous opportunity to research the individual buildings to see how the buildings developed, if they still exist, and what the purposes of the buildings were back then compared to now. Additionally, the postcard image depicts routine life rather than a scripted photo. This look at everyday life is appealing to me as I would like to know what daily life was like back then as opposed to the current day. The sepia tone of the image also intriguing as its not something commonly seen in the modern era.

This course has taught me the significance of insignificant things. I learned that ephemeral objects can be extremely valuable due to the lessons they can teach. Since they are made for temporary purposes, ephemeral objects provide a unique perspective into former times by being more informal and true to everyday life. Postcards, in particular, are meant to be seen by a select group of people. As a result, postcards contain one's genuine views and allow for the freedom of expression without fear of repercussions. In general, this course taught me that things should never be taken for face value because everything has its own story and once served a purpose. I now am able to realize that an object may monetarily have no value but it can be rich with historical value and insight into the past.

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