Hello, my name is Kaitlyn Robson. I am a first year student at the University of Guelph, and I am currently majoring in Studio Art and plan on minoring in History in the future. Outside of my studies, I like spending time with friends and family. I also enjoy pastimes such as painting and sketching. I chose the postcard “Dress Stewart Glasgow” for this exhibit because as an art major, I was attracted to the bright colours on the surrounding border as well as the architecture in the featured building, Kelvin Hall. I was also interested in the writing on the back as it is in French and I was curious about what the message entailed.
The course, UNIV*1200 - History of Stuff, helped me to further enhance my writing and research skills. Through the use of primary and secondary sources in readings as well as studying postcards from Scotland, this course provided insight into the importance of ephemera, and how it provides historians today with the tools to create a more coherent understanding of the past. The course, UNIV*1200 - History of Stuff has taken me on an adventure of ingenuity and discovery; it allows students to learn about history in a different way that is not available in other courses.