The Sleeman Malt Extract and Beer labels are lithographed printed paper labels that were pasted on the side of its containers for the purpose of advertisement. These labels usually had some sort of trademark, brand name or label design in order to link it to traditional Canadian values as it was very important to the Sleeman company to represent success in Canada (Rickards, 2000). In an article the Globe and Mail published in 1898 regarding the release of Sleeman's Malt Extract, they even made a point to bold and underline the words “Canadian Barley” as its Canadian roots were a very important feature of the product. On this specific Malt Extract label, there is an image of Canadian barley which was used as a label design and a Canadian trademark in order to attract customers to buy the product. Similar Sleeman Malt Extract labels also included an image of a beaver along with the Canadian barley to really exaggerate the Canadian heritage.
The Perfected Invalids Malt Extract by the Druggist Corporation was not a leisurely beverage although it tasted good. The product is mainly used for people recovering from illnesses and nursing women (Globe, 1898). It is a very pure and strong substance but also contains a lot of nutritional value (Globe, 1898).