
There are many values of the poster, ranging from monetary to emotional value. The monetary value has been identified on online websites as $63.00. However, this value is only representative of what the seller believes is the price, the price may fluctuate based on individual belief of the value of the poster.

Another substantial form of value is through both emotional and nostalgic worth. The Massey-Harris company depicted a specific time in history through it’s agricultural success within the early twentieth century. Thus, many consumers of products from the company may hold close relations to any ephemeral material connecting back to the company. As well, many individuals may associate the poster with nostalgic value, reminding the people of the importance and expansion of the agricultural industry.

As noted before, Hider was an individual that was most famously known for his relations to Massey-Harris through the calendars he created for the company. The calendars ultimately have embedded within them nostalgic value, as although the calendar outlived its original purpose of displaying the date, the pictures along with the calendars serve as an ongoing reminder of the company. Evidently, many individuals may have preserved old calendars of Massey-Harris in order to sustain an emotional and nostalgic value with the agricultural items.

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