Postcards convey messages from one party to another through a mailing system. (They are like a very slow form of text messaging). A postcard was one of the easiest ways one could communicate with a family member or friend who lived too far away to visit in person in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. However, communicating with someone solely through the mailing system is very inefficient in the present-day as a result of email and telephones
This postcard was produced by Knowles & Co. in London, Ontario, as stated on the back of the card. It can be assumed to be part of a collection known as the Canadian Souvenir Postcards, as it is identified with the number “870” on the bottom left corner of the card.
Knowles & Co. Lithographers was located at 38 Weston Street, London Ontario and was known for fine art prints and lithographed souvenir postcards, established in 1888 (Weston Street, 2016).
This postcard had was made with the intentions of the message being written on the front. The white border located on the bottom of the front picture, and the name and address sections on the back show that this was how it was to be used (Postcard Era's, 2011). This division can also help in dating the postcard as this divided back was introduced only after 1902, meaning this postcard was produced early in the twentieth century (Patterson 147). This postcard was made for anyone wanting to use one with a picture of the Guelph train station. Since it was found in Guelph it was mostly likely aimed at those who wish to show a picture of where they live too the people they are sending it to.