The period of 1893-1900 marked an eventful period for the Sleeman Brewery and family. It was during 1893 that John A. Sleeman died in St, David (Archival & Special Collections, n.d.), 44 years after opening the Silver Creek Brewery. In 1894 Sleeman beer was made available in Quebec and the development of the Guelph Railway Company began. In 1898 George A. Sleeman both, finished writing his recipe book (Archival & Special Collections, n.d.), which years later would lead to the revival of the Sleeman Brewery by John W. Sleeman, and became an agent in Ottawa for Sleeman Brewing and Malting. 1900 marked the year in which Sleeman Brewing and Malting was incorporated and a second brewery, Spring Bank Beverages, was erected on Edinburgh Street (Archival & Special Collections, n.d.).