This postcard is part of the Valentines Series, and was made by Valentine and Sons of Dundee. It now resides in the University of Guelph archives. There is no date, but based on the horse-drawn buggies, and the fact that the picture is in black and white, it is safe to assume this postcard was made before cars were invented or popularized, which would be around mid-1800s to early 1900s. This historical artifact demonstrates how a person could use a postcard, and what kind of message they could send.
Left side
Drummond Gates
Thanks awfully for
the paper, will be sure to
let you have a letter this
week heaps of love from
a young Northumbrian
Right side
Miss Breuris
Ravensworth Castle
Gateshead on Tyne
Since many tourists and vacationers travelled to Crieff, postcards like this one were sold so the travellers could send a quick note to their friends and family, letting them know where they were. This postcard seems to be from an admirer—possibly a secret lover—as they wrote “heaps of love” and only signed with their initials: “A N.” This mysterious “young Northumbrian” could be anyone. Just imagine the girl who received this postcard holding on to it all day, and showing it off to her friends. It is impossible to know the real story, but one thing is sure, for a brief moment in time, someone cared about someone else enough to buy them a postcard, just to send their love.