

  • Line an 8-inch pie plate with pastry
  • In a bowl, mix brown sugar, cream, and cornstarch
  • Pour into unbaked pie shell
  • Bake in preheated 425 F (220 C) oven for 10 mins, then lower temperature to 325 F (160 C) and continue baking for 25 to 30 minutes longer or until the filling is set and golden
  • Serve warm or at room temperature (serves 6)
  • Changes to the recipe:
  • Instead of an 8-inch pie plate I used a 9 inch (the only pie plate I had available)
  • instead of leaving the pie in for 25 minutes after the 10 mins at 425 F, I only left the pie in for 20 mins due to the wider lie plate (less time to cook) 
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