We selected French cuisine and a recipe for potato croquettes. This recipe was from Auguste Mario’s Easy French Cookery, which was published in 1910 by Cassell & Company Ltd. This recipe was vague and did not specify the amount of each ingredient that was to be used. It simply stated “boil some potatoes” or to add “salt to taste, and a little nutmeg.” It also did not provide images of the final dish, so we had difficulty judging the appearance of our final product..

We selected this cuisine for multiple reasons. We knew potatoes were a staple crop in Europe and played a large role in the evolution of European society so we wanted our recipe to display that element. We also selected this recipe because it was over 100 years old and we found it interesting to take a step back and create something meant for the early 20th century. We knew we would enjoy the taste as well and these factors combined led us to potato croquettes.

This exhibit was created by Scott Homeniuk (year 4, Marketing Management) and Ziying Xiong (year 4, Applied Human Nutrition)

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