I selected Lebanese cuisine and a recipe for Mini Lebanese Pancakes with Creme (“Katayef bi Kushta”). This recipe was from Kamal Al-Faquih’s Classic Lebanese Cuisine: 170 Fresh and Healthy Mediterranean Favorites, which was published in 2009 by Guilford CT.

I chose Lebanese cuisine, because I’ve briefly explored the culture through my Lebanese friends, they suggested I make this dessert, as it is a family favourite. I have a huge sweet tooth and a love for breakfast foods (pancakes in particular) and this recipe encompasses both! Moreover, most associate Lebanese cuisine with its more savory and salty dishes, such as Fattoush, Hummus and Tabouleh, thus I wanted to choose a dessert/sweet recipe in order to explore unfamiliar territory of the Lebanese food culture. 

This exhibit was created by Maggie Armstrong (fourth year, Applied Human Nutrition).

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