

Nutrition snapshot for one adult serving of approximately 2 cups:

  • Total Calories: 629.7 calories
  • Total Fat: 28.7 grams
  • Total Carbs: 42.7 grams
  • Total Protein: 49.4 grams

Based on this analysis, it seems that this recipe could be a part of a healthy diet. We compared those variables mentioned above to the average amount of fats, carbohydrates, calories, and protein a person should be consuming, which gave us a lot of insight to the nutritional benefits of this meal. After researching the ingredients, we found that many of them contained positive health benefits such as immune system strength, vitamins, and other nutritious aspects. In addition, the calories, sodium, and carbohydrates were under the suggested intake per average person. The one aspect of the recipe that was unhealthy was the amount of fats associated per serving, as the meal contains 28.7 grams which is half of what the suggested intake per day is.

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