
We selected Korean cuisine and a recipe for bibimbap. This recipe was from Yun Jin-ah’s, “K-Food Combining Flavor, Health, and Nature”,  published in 2013 by the Korean Culture and Information Service Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Bibimbap is translated to mixed rice with assorted meat and vegetables. Its versatility brings together ordinary ingredients to create a flavorful dish. For many years, people around the world had been sampling Korean food without knowing. However, in the 1990s this began to change. Awareness began with the growing popularity of Korean Dramas, K-Pop, Korean-made smartphones, and food. People are now recognizing the nutritional value and health benefits with Korean dishes and not only going to Korean restaurants but exploring the ingredients in the food they make at home.

This exhibit was created by Elice Kim (2nd Year, Accounting), and Kathleen Kan (2nd year, Accounting).

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