

Nutrition snapshot for 1 adult serving of approximately 2 Meat Croquettes.

  • Total calories: 1036 kcal
  • Total fat: 68.3g
  • Total carbohydrates: 53.4g
  • Total protein: 51.9g

Based on our analysis, it seems that this recipe could be eaten in moderation and enjoyed as a treat on special occasions or holidays. The beef component of the recipe provides adequate nutrition in terms of high levels of protein, iron, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, phosphorus, niacin, zinc, and selenium. Despite the nutrients that the beef provides, it would overall be considered unhealthy due to the high caloric intake of 1 serving and the significantly high levels of saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol present in the recipe. This classic Dutch dish could be made to be more nutritious if healthier substitutions were made. These may include substituting poultry for beef, as this protein source contains less saturated fat and cholesterol; salt reduced or no-salt added versions of breadcrumbs, butter, and gravy; whole wheat flour opposed to all purpose flour; and skim milk opposed to 1%, 2%, or whole fat.

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