About this recipe


The use of the indigenous Philippine 'Adobo' cooking method makes this meal unique to Filipinos. Adobo is using a combination of basic ingredients like soy sauce ,vinegar, garlic to marinate meat. Grilled pork is  considered as street food in the Philippines. However, it could be served as a snack, an appetizer or as meat course with rice.

This cookbook, in the expanded second edition of its kind. It contains lots of recipes and information on the history behind traditional foods in the Philippines. The book was written to preserve the traditional Filipino methods of cooking and the authors of the cookbook are known restaurant owners.

Interestingly, pork barbecues are common. However, the method used in preparation sets it apart from all others. This recipe is simple, easy to make. Gives me and maybe will give you too more options for the use of pork.

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