We selected Chinese cuisine and a recipe for stir-fried pork and pineapple from Linda Lau’s, The Hakka Cookbook, published in 2012 by the University of California. In China today, people are becoming more health conscious just like in Canada. Our recipe is for a reduced fat and salt stir-fried pork and pineapple dish that will appeal to many people; although we cannot be certain that everyone will enjoy it. This recipe is a good example of Chinese cuisine because stir-frying is a classic Chinese cooking technique in which ingredients are fried in a small amount of very hot oil while being stirred in a wok. Stir fried pork and pineapple was among the Top Ten Chinese Recipes according to the New York Times in 2017.
This exhibit was created by Er Bao (Year 4, Hotel and Food Administration), Yang Song (Year 4, Hotel and Food Administration).